Login to Your AgentNet Account
A step-by-step guide to login to AgentNet and get familiarised with your one-stop comprehensive dashboard
Welcome to DDproperty!
You've taken the first step towards exposure to over 3.5 million property seekers monthly. DDproperty's AgentNet allows real estate agents to create new listings, market your properties, respond to enquiries and manage existing listings.
So, let’s get started!
Login to your AgentNet account
1. Go to your AgentNet login page
2. Enter your Email address and Password
Note: For a step-by-step guide to create your first listing, please refer to ‘Post a Listing’ help article to get started.

3. After logging in, you can access your AgentNet dashboard.

Note: If you’re a Trial or Beginner package holder, your package does not include the ‘Public Profile’ page entitlement, hence you will not be able to see your Profile Views. Learn more about Public Profile here.
Forgot Password
If you've lost or forgotten your AgentNet password, there's no need to worry. Just follow these instructions.
1. Go to your AgentNet login page
2. Click on 'Forgot Password?'.

3. Enter your Email address and click on the ‘Submit’ button. You will be sent an email containing a link to reset your password. Look out for an email with the subject title: ‘AgentNet: Update Your Password’.

4. Click on the ‘Update Password’ link/button within the email to set a new password.

5. You will be redirected to the password update page. Please enter your new password twice and click ‘Update Password’ to change your password.
Note: Your password needs to meet the following requirements:
8 – 50 characters
Not the same as your account name/ID
At least one (1) uppercase letter
At least one (1) lowercase letter
At least one (1) number
At least one (1) special character (e.g.!@#$%^&*)

6. After successfully updating your password, you will be logged out of all your devices. You must sign in with your new password again.

7. A verification email with the subject title: ‘AgentNet: Your Password is Updated’ will be sent to you.

If you did not request to update your password, please inform us at support@ddproperty.com or call 02-204-9555 (Mon – Fri, 9am - 6pm).
For general enquiries, please rea ch out to our Customer Service at the following:
Phone: 02-204-9555 (Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm, closed on PH)
Email: support@ddproperty.com