Repost a Listing
Refresh your listing's post date to get on the top of search results.
Refresh your listing's post date by using the Repost feature to secure a high ranking in search results for more exposure.
By reposting your listing, it will automatically extend the expiry date of the listing by 30 days from the new post date.
On the search results page, Exclusive listings are ranked first, followed by Boost listings, then regular listings.
When you repost your listing, your listing's post date will be refreshed enabling your listing to rank high on search results within the listing tier. For example, if you are reposting your Boost listing, your listing’s ranking will rank high within the Boost listings tier.
Other factors that determine the ranking of your listing is the Listing Quality Score.
If you wish to schedule your repost activities to maintain its exposure on search results and save the hassle of reposting your listings manually, you can use Auto-Repost.
To repost a listing, follow these steps:
Login to AgentNet, go to 'Listings' and select the listing that you wish to repost. You can either choose to repost just one listing, or multiple listings.
Once you have selected the listing(s) you wish to repost, a pop-up will show informing you on the number of Ad Credits which will be deducted from your account to perform the listing Repost.
You will also be informed of your current Ad Credits balance before you can click on ‘Repost’ to proceed with your Repost activity.
Note: The number of Ad credits needed to repost your listing is indicated next to your listing.
You can also Repost multiple listings at a go with the Bulk Repost Function. Here’s how you can do it:
Go to your active listings and click on ‘Bulk Select’
Select the listings that you want to Repost, then click on the ‘Repost’ icon.
Once done, you'll be shown a pop up with details of your Repost booking.

Upon successful activation, you will see a confirmation message at the bottom left of your listing management page.

For general enquiries, please reach out to our Customer Service at the following:
· Phone: 02-204-9555 (Mon - Fri 09:00 – 18:00 hrs., closed on Public Holiday)
· Email:
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